Who says
you can't go home again???
Have you ever wondered what happened to an
old Enfield friend? Do you get nostalgic for the days of your
youth, or wonder what your old home town looks like today?
This is the place to come and remember when...
Connect with old friends, via the message board, sign the guestbook
to let people know where you live and what your email address
is, or just browse the photos and read the interviews.
Our site is small now, but it is just the
beginning. It will grow as you participate. Please email
us with your own Enfield stories, and send us your own special
Enfield pictures, especially those from the 50's and 60's,
for inclusion in our photo album.
We would love to receive your "then and now"
pictures, and will create a special album to showcase them.
So drop us a line, let us know what you're up to and come
back often and watch us grow.
~ The Editor...